Hey, Marysol, Small World!


Man, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Sunday morning, I'm watching "Good Morning America" and their Weekend Window feature comes on. This is the feature where they show the sun setting on some exotic locale. This week they decided to begin showing where the various anchors grew up. Marysol was chosen. She's from the Bronx. I did not know this. Until now, I thought she was from Far Rockaway or Sheepshead Bay or some place like that.

Back to the TV, She is narrating the piece and is seen walking down the steps of the Subway platform at 241st Street at White Plains Road. I almost fell out of my chair! I used to live there! (Well, within a mile of there.) She talks about growing up on Baychester Avenue in the Bronx...hell, I used to work a couple of blocks away in Mt. Vernon. It's been more than 24 hours since I saw the piece on TV and I still can't get over it! Maybe I think too much of Marysol or maybe not enough of the old neighborhood. I can't remember when I was ever as surprised as I am now.

Marysol Castro

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