The Megan Mullally Show

Megan Mullally
Here's what the world needs, another sycdicated, celebrity hosted, daytime talk show! This one would be hosted by "Will & Grace's Megan Mullally. No doubt, she can sing, she can dance and she's very funny. She admits to being bi-sexual and thinks that everyone else is, to some degree or another.
Back to the show, it will air in the Fall of 2006. It has not been named. It is being syndicated by NBC Universal Domestic Television and will air on the NBC owned and operated TV stations in NYC, Chicago, LA and San Francisco.
Here's what all this means...NBC is looking for the next Rosie O'Donnell Show. They may have it, but probably not. Maybe what they should be looking for is something "fresh." A variation on something that has been done, or is being done. Producers say that the show will be targeted for the 25-54 year old female. Most advertisers have the same target. Do I have a better idea for a TV show? Yes, I do. It is so good that the network would put it on at prime time. It would instantly be #1 in the ratings, with twice the viewers as #2. It would be relatively cheap to produce. What is it? If I tell you, the network will want to put it on three or four nights in a week. Other networks will copy the idea. It will self destruct. This is why TV is as bad as it is. There are only three or four real shows on TV. Everything else is a copy-cat adaptation.
Thank God for old movies!

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