Peyton: Making Fun Of The Fans: Priceless


Hey Mastercard! Are you listening? The TV commercial that you are running with Payton Manning, you know the one where he is the fan, rooting for ordinary people. Many people find it humorous, refreshing, etc. I find it insulting. Here's a millionaire, over rated athelete, mocking the adoration which is commonly thrown in his direction. He's making fun of the working man by asking for an autograph from hard working people who are doing their best to eke out a living. Hey, Manning, where would you and the NFL be without us common idiots rooting for you, week after week. This little commercial is a head scratcher, for me. Maybe you can do a Mastercard Superbowl commercial where you are at a restautant in Pittsburgh and you FUMBLE your silverware, DROP your drink and CHOKE on some food. The waiter and the cook could be played by any Steeler lineman.
Still listening Mastercard? Here's the bottom line: I'm a Visa customer. Peyton Manning, making fun of the working class, is going to keep me a Visa customer.

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