Give Brit A Break!


None of us is perfect. If there were a poster child for this adage it would be Britney Spears. She is enormously successful at a very youg age...but she ain't perfect. Young girls look to Britney for inspiration. They shouldn't. She's married to a bum. Speculation is that she thinks a 2nd baby will "change" her husband. Didn't he have two kids with his ex? So why should it surprise us when young Brit is photoed driving with her kid on her lap? The lesson here is: Money does not buy brains, or common sense, or class, or manners. She says that she accepts the blame and that the papparazzi were also to blame. Well, no, they were not to blame. According to AP, there were two photo journalists at the scene. Brit had her bodyguard with her. The bodyguard waves to one of the photographers and asks him not to take any pictures as he (the bodyguard) goes into a Starbucks for a fancy cup of joe. The picture was taken by the second photo journalist.

Note to Britney: You are in the "celebrity business." A large part of this business is having your picture taken at all hours of the day. When nobody wants to take your picture, you find yourself "out of business."

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