Britney, who dresses you?


Britney Spears' idea of a maternity outfit.

Britney Spears was on network TV last night doing an interview with Matt Lauer. First, understand, I'm old. But, in my mind, you don't wear the same outfit on network TV that you'd wear on a trip to the convenience store. Spears is very rich. She can afford to wear any kind of clothing of any price. This is the "look" that she chooses? Sweetie, with the hair, the makeup and the clothes, you looked like a $5 whore. In your world, Britney, you may not know what a $5 whore looks like. Look at the video tape. The lack of articulation is another matter. Britney, you are a tabloid's dream come true. You are a parody of yourself. Did you know that it is possible to look sexy without looking trashy? It is. Figure this out and maybe you can go back to selling music instead of selling tabloids.
Like it or not, Britney, you are a role model. Little girls are watching you. Oh, and if you want privacy, Brit, stay off the TV. We'll forget about you in 6 months. But is that good if you're in the celebrity business?

1 comment:

  1. Dude, not tryin to diss you here cuz I think Britney looks like trash on tabloid with extra mayo most of the time but that pic looks like her face was just Photoshopped and pasted on


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