Avril's Spittin' Mad!

Avril Lavigne has issues with the paparazzi. Wednesday while out in Hollywood celebrating her 22nd birthday she spit at a photographer. And again the evening before that, when she supposedly hocked one at TMZ.com's cameraman outside of hotspot Hyde Lounge. Her response: "I'd like to sincerely apologize for my behavior with the paparazzi," Lavigne said Friday in a statement. "It's trying at best dealing with their insistent intrusions. I meant no offense to my fans, whose relationship I truly value. I have and will always go out of my way for my fans. My behavior was a reaction to the persistent attack from the paparazzi."
The General's advice: Keep it up, young Avril. You're 22 with 2 albums out. You have a future. Spitting at the media could cause them to publish unflattering pics and say nasty things. Your record company may frown on your behavior, too. You need them more than they need you.

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