Tim Russert Passes

He always seemed to enjoy his job. Whether it was hosting "Meet The Press," or managing NBC's Washington DC News Bureau or explaining a nonsensical political action to Tom Brokaw or just hanging with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, Tim Russert always seemed to be having a good time. If I could choose to have lunch with any living person, Russert would have been in the top 10. 

He came from humble beginnings, growing up on the southside of Buffalo, NY, the son of a sanitation worker. 

Russert died today, doing what he loved. He was at work in his Washington NBC office. A heart attack is the preliminary reason for cause of death. He was 58. His work gave him joy, and stress.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Man, I've gotta agree with everything you said. Between Peter Jennings and Tim Russert, we're not doing very well on our best newsmen. Giants.

    And don't forget, Tim Russert was also at the original Woodstock...

    Uda Mann


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