Shawn Johnson

I'm not a big fan of Gymnastics. Yes, it takes strength, coordination and, of course, practice. I was watching the Olympics and noticed Shawn Johnson, a high school junior from West De Moines, Iowa. The first thing I noticed was that she has a personality. Most of the Gymnasts look as if they're on the final days of a death row sentence! Not Johnson. Teenage girls could learn something, here. When her competition makes an error, she doesn't smile. She knows how to be a 'good winner.' Oh, and she's athletic, too. Athletic enough to win Olympic medals amid some impressive competition. After the games are over, you'll see a lot of little Miss Johnson. I predict that she'll be in more TV commercials than Peyton Manning and Billy Mays combined! Being a parent, myself, I should mention that Shawn Johnson is the daughter of Doug and Teri Johnson. She is an honor roll student and has had three short stories published. Her favorite athlete is Lance Armstrong. (Well, no body's perfect.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It's a shame she's not the US polejump lady. Now there's a dork! Shawn seems nice.

    PS: Is Shawn a boy's or a girl's name?

    Says Leroy Boy


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