Tiger: Sidelined But Not Idle

Elin Woods

This item is more than a week old, but still, I think it's worth mentioning. Tiger Woods, perhaps the greatest golfer to ever hit a little ball into a little hole, is expecting child #2 with his wife, Elin. On the right is a picture of Elin. Tiger's a good looking guy, but I thought I'd beautify the blog by posting a pic of Elin. In the end, she's much better to look at.
Back to the family. Tiger's been sitting out the PGA season with an injury. This gives him more "family time" ergo (that's right, ergo) the impending arrival of a blessed event. They already have a daughter, Sam. Unlike many celebrity couples, the Woods were married in plenty of time for Sam's arrival. Also unlike many celebrity couples, the Woods have a chosen normal name for their little girl.
I was thinking that it'd be cool for him to pick a name like Lion or Giraffe or Rhino...but that's just me.

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