Mortgage Bailout

What the hell is going on? We working stiffs are paying our taxes and the money is going where? I should point out that we are in the middle of the "tax season." This is the time when working people who actually pay taxes are figuring whether to wait to file and write a check to Uncle Sam, or to file now and get our overpayment refunded to us. During this tax season we are being told that if we don't bailout some big corporations, we will be hurting ourselves. OK, I can understand that...a little. Now let's say that a guy who lives in the ritzy section of town - you know with doctors and lawyers as neighbors. Well this guy pays too much for his house, gets an iffy mortgage, hires a lawyer who doesn't do his job during the home buying process and the guy ends up not being able to pay for his mortgage. Why should my tax money go to bail him out of the stupid decision that he made? Are the federal housing projects all full? Isn't there anybody responsible, out there, for any of this mess?

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