Rush Bounced From NFL Deal

I could start this by asking when things got so screwed up in this country. Actually I think that it's an evolution. Things get more screwed up as we go along. One of the reasons and the chief motivation for this blog is to point out the modern ironies of humanity, and occasionally posting pictures of pretty women. Today's subject is the NFL. The NFL is a billion dollar business. Many of its visible stars are convicted felons. Do you want me to name names? Enter Rush Limbaugh. He's the most successful radio talk show host in America. He wants to buy a chunk of the St. Louis Rams. The way the Rams are playing this season, you would think that some "new blood" within its ownership would be welcome! Limbaugh is a real football fan. His passion for the game would do nothing but help the team and the league. But he's one of "those conservatives." You know, (gulp) a Republican of those guys who thinks that taking money from the rich is a bad thing. People who don't listen to him, hate him, so they don't listen to his radio program. I say, if you don't listen to his show, how would you know if you disagree with him? HEY! I'm just asking.

Some people say that if Limbaugh became part owner of the St, Louis Rams that some of the players would boycott the team and owner. I say that the way the Rams are playing, who would miss them? What would happen if you boycotted your boss?

My advice to Rush would be to forget about the whole thing. Take the high road and continue to do what you do best. I am reminded of a Groucho Marx line. He was explaining why he did not belong to a country club, "Any club that would have me as a member, I don't want anything to do with." While dealing with the current subject, the line would be altered to "Any company that will not accept me for who I am, I want nothing to do with."

Rush, buy a race horse.

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