Tynan Silenced

There is a tradition at Yankee Stadium that was missing last night. During the 7tn inning of post season games, famed Irish tenor, Dr. Ronan Tynan sings "God Bless America." It is a stirring rendition, particularly when you consider that it is being performed very near one of the 9/11 targets.

Tynan was to sing, last night, but was told by the Yankee brass that his services were not needed. Why? Well, the day before, Tynan was at home in his east side NYC apartment where a real estate broker was showing an apartment to a prospect, Dr. Gabrielle Gold-von Simson. Tynan said to the broker, "At least they're not Jewish." The customer, who is Jewish, heard this one line and fires off an e-mail to the Yaknees and Tynan loses his gig in the Bronx.

What's this about? This would be the logical and intelligent question to ask. The woman who complained to the Yankees is a pediatrician at NYU Medical Center. She was not around, three weeks earlier when the same real estate agent was showing apartments to a couple of Jewish women were being very picky and particular about the property, neighborhood, etc. That's what the remark referred to!

Tynan: "I immediately, when I was told, rang her up and apologized, sincerely and profusely."
Important Jewish Doctor with no sense of humor.
The offended woman, a pediatrician at NYU Medical Center, accepted Tynan's apology and asked him to make a donation to the Pediatrics Unit. Tynan, who is a medical doctor with two amputated legs, agreed.

I included Dr. Gold-von Simson's picture. (Right) I believe that the accused and the public have a right to see the accuser. My advice to Dr. G.: Get a sense of humor. It's healthy to be able to laugh about your own people. Also, grow up!

It is not certain if Tynan will ever sing at Yankee Stadium again.

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