The Palin Phenomenon
Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin's book, "Going Rogue" goes on sale today. A big fuss is being made! Why? Other books have been written by politicians! Why the fuss?

Here's why - because she's different. She was on Oprah, yesterday. What she said on Oprah is not as important as the fact that she was there! Oprah is a supporter or worshiper of President Obama. Oprah needs Palin to "sell" her TV show and Palin needs Oprah to help "sell" her book. That's right folks, we are being sold some stuff, here. That's OK, we're free to "buy it" or not "buy it."

People say that Palin is, er, attractive or even hot! Again, why is everyone making a fuss? Give me a women in her 40's who is not overweight and give me a big enough expense account and I can dress her up and get her a makeover and she'll look like a seasoned JC Penny fashion model! Has anybody said anything about Oprah looking good...for her age? I think we are paying too much attention to outward appearances. After all, on Christmas morning, is the present with the nicest gift wrap job always the nicest or the most useful? What you see is not always what you get! This is not the "Wizard of Oz", where the Good Witch is pretty and the Wicked Witch is ugly!

If being pretty is important for a political leader maybe we should select our next Congress from the Victoria's Secret catalogue!

This is not a political blog. It never has been and it never will be. I like Sarah Palin! I think she would have made a wonderful governor if she didn't quit. What does "quitting" say to her supporters? "Thanks for believing in me, but I don't really need this....I'm outta here!"

I also think that she would have been a wonderful mother if she may have taken the time to tell her oldest daughter the importance of respecting herself and making good decisions! Again, we should want our leaders to make good decisions, right?

I could go into greater detail, but I won't. I like the woman. I feel that much of the criticism against her is unfair. I will not be voting for her for any office, and, oh, I won't be buying or reading her book.

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