Adree DeSanti

Adree DeSanti had been featured on this blog within the popular Friday Foto series.
Blogger has been notified that somebody objects to my posting this pretty lady's picture on my blog. 
It has been removed. 
My question is, how am I affecting the copyright owner? I don't think that these pictures are for sale. I am not making any money by showing her little picture - do you see any ads on this page? The fact is, I only put her picture on the blog to make it a little more attractive...that's all.

I'd like to make it clear that it was never my intention to do any harm to the picture's copyright owner.

If you are a regular visitor to this blog, let me assure you that there are many other young ladies who look as good or better than Miss DeSanti. I look forward to featuring them.

More on Miss DeSanti

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