Ron Lundy Passes

Feeling sad and mentioning Ron Lundy in the same sentence is a major contradiction. Ron Lundy was without doubt the happiest and among the funniest guys I ever heard on radio. He was a radio disc jockey. This is back when djs actually hosted music shows and read live commercials. Personality was involved. Ron reigned during the mid days on WABC in New York from September 1965 until the station changed its format to Talk on May 10, 1982. I remember, once, Ron was reading a live commercial for a local supermarket. They were featuring a sale on chicken breasts with wings. He ad libbed, "Hey, does Hugh Heffner know about this?!" Ron would ad lib frequently. He was always a down-to-earth, folksy kind of guy. He'd open every show with a robust, "Helllllllllooooo love, gooood mornin'! It's 10 o'clock in the greatest city in the world!"

Ron had been retired for a number of years, he died this week of an apparent heart attack in Mississippi.

RIP, Ron.

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