Sarkozys Not So Cozy?

It amuses me to see wealthy, powerful people cheat on their spouses while we little people look on. French President Sarkozy has been married all of 2 years and they say that he's having an affair. This comes after reports that his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, began having an affair. The world is shocked! After all, these kids dated for a full three months before they tied the knot! I was thinking that they'd go the distance! Sure, Carla is said to have had affairs with Jagger, Clapton, Trump and one or two or a hundred and ninety others. She's been quoted as saying that monogomy bores her. This is (or was) Nicholas' third marriage. You know, some people just are not good at some things. Normally, I would simply be amused at seeing that these two rich kids are getting the "seven year itch" five years too early. There is one nasty little thing here, Mr. Sarkozy is supposed to be running a country. We can learn something from this. We can learn that in this day and age, it is easier to be the head of state of an industrialized country than it is to remain married. Fascinating!

1 comment:

  1. According to Google Translate, 快下班囉~來幫你加油 translates to: "Hello ~ quick work to help you refuel"


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