Newspaper Circulation Clotting

I love newspapers! I used to deliver them as a kid. There was a certain fascination for me with a brand new edition - every day!

Newspaper circulation is dropping. The nationwide drop in the last year was 8.7%. Some of the big boys are really hurting: The San Francisco Chronicle is down nearly 23% in circulation. USA Today slipped 13.6% and the Washington Post is selling 13.1% fewer weekday papers. WHY? We don't read as much. We get our news on TV and the Internet. We don't believe the news media. Newspapers are boring, or at least not appealing to the modern customer.

Can newspapers be saved? Should they be saved?

Face it. This is 2010. The Internet is here. You're reading this now...on the Internet. It's fast and free. Quality of the Internet? It's worth every penny!

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