Gay Bar Beside Mosque At Ground Zero?

Greg Gutfeld
Greg Gutfeld is a TV talk show host at Fox News. He has an idea. Here at the blog, we are "all about" ideas! Gutfeld says that the proposed Islamic Center should be built near the ground zero site. It's OK with him, so long as the place is built on private property and the local laws are followed.
Well, in a parallel gesture, Gutfeld says that he is seeking investors to join him in building a gay/Muslim bar - beside the mosque. Muslims do not allow gay relationships nor the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Gutfeld says that he is interested in "building bridges" between the two cultures!

Some of the proposed names for the gay bar: "Turban Cowboy," You-Mecca-Me-Hot," "Yo Ji-hump," or "Suspicious Packages."

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