Those Drunk Baboons...

This is my kind of story! Judging from the title, you may be expecting a story about Terre Haute, Indiana on a Saturday night! Not quite! For this one, we travel to South Africa where the local baboon population, living in the hills surrounding Cape Town, are venturing into the Groot Constantia vineyards. Being hungry baboons, they help themselves to the grapes, some of which have fallen to the ground and fermented. I hear that they are partial to the Sauvignon Blanc grape. So...the baboons eat the fermented grapes and get, er, tipsy. Don't you hate it when drunk baboons vandalize the neighborhood! In this case, the neighborhood is the fashionable Cape Town suburb of Constantia.

I know that this is a serious problem, but the thought of drunk baboons raising hell in a ritzy neighborhood, somehow amuses me...

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