Mosquito Chases Away Kids

There's a shopping area in Washington D.C. where business owners felt that loitering teens were costing them money. Occasionally, the kids would fight. This is not the climate for a successful business. A few of the owners invested in the Mosquito - a device that emits "beeps" at 17.5 kilohertz. This annoying, ear splitting sound can only be heard (in most cases) by kids aged 13 to 25 years of age. Some call this ageism or classism. Fact is, this has been used in Europe for years. The outcry comes from those who can't believe that 13 - 25 year olds may not be wanted near certain serious businesses. True, some people within this age group are truly productive, others will scare away business.

Audio has been used to control or alter human behavior for many years. Do you know why most restaurants play some kind of music? It is so you will eat faster and allow another butt to quickly occupy your seat after you're done! Carnivals and fairs use music to keep people from wandering away.

The difference, here, is that the Mosquito is sneaky and in most cases will not affect 25+ year old shoppers.

My idea: A real Labor Day sale where consumers can save money! At the same time, pipe classical music into the parking lots ant other areas where loiterers congregate. There! That was easy!

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