White House Bans Shirtless Obama Pictures

I haven't spent a lotta time thinking about this, but apparently some folks are interested in pictures of our President with no shirt.

I must admit (seriously) that the guy looks good, for his age. You may remember when he took his family to (or near) the Gulf Of Mexico and went swimming. We saw pictures - taken by the official White House photographer - of the President and daughter Sasha, in the water. The pictures were taken from the neck up. The Prez was in the water in every picture!

Prior to the President's vacation. the White House delivered “strict instructions” to the press pool not to use telescopic lenses to photograph the president on his vacation in Hawaii. According to The New York Times, the White House doesn’t want any “sneaky attempts to take pictures of a shirtless leader of the free world.”

Isn't this the kind of stuff that Paris Hilton would worry about?

We can only speculate on how a shirtless image of Obama would affect national security, the war, the economy, etc.

While the rest of the country is "losing its shirt," he wants to be see with his on!

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