Snow Samaritan's Stolen Blower

Bill Hebner
Bill Hebner is heartbroken. Keep your chin up, Bill - things will change very soon!

Hebner is a good guy! The 67 year old semi retired bus driver is a local hero. He's the guy who runs his snow blower up and down the block of Winter Avenue in the New Brighton section of Staten Island, New York. Each time it snows, Bill is out there, clearing the sidewalks and driveways... even the area in front of the corner grocery store. This weekend, while Bill was doing what he does, he took a break. It was mid-morning when some gavone stole Bill's Sears Craftsman snow blower from the bed of his pickup truck.

Local media picked up the story. I saw the report, a few minutes ago, on WPIX-TV from New York. Marvin Scott was interviewing Bill, who was reduced to tears. Bill had to shy away from the camera.

We have good news for Bill. Even though snow blowers are either "sold out" or too pricey for the Hebner family... offers have been coming in to buy a blower for our buddy. Offers from as far away as Qatar!

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