GAO Prefers $ Coin Over Paper

Sacajawea Dollar
The Government Accountability Office suggests that we scrap the dollar bill in favor of the dollar coin. Since a coin is far more durable than a piece of paper, it would be cheaper to mint a coin than to print a dollar bill. The same coin, during its lifetime, would do the work of several dollar bills. The GAO says that this wouls save the U.S. Government more than $5 billion over the course of 30 years.

The problem is that the American people don't want to use the dollar coin.(...)
 It's too close to the size of a quarter! They tried to make the dollar coin gold (in color). I kind of like the golden Sacajawea dollar coin...not too many others did.(...)

Susan B. Anthony Dollar
The Susan B. Anthony Coin was a dud. It looked and felt like a quarter and was ridiculed. Personally, I wish I had a million of 'em!

Silver Dollar

My favorite dollar coin was the Silver Dollar. It was minted when a dollar was worth something. It had know...buying power. Think of it as a $20 coin! I don't think we will ever see a coin like this, again.

It really doesn't matter too much, most of us use plastic more than we use cash. This way, we can spend money that we don't need to long as we can pay the credit card bill...eventually...

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