American Idol Gets It Wrong

Pia Toscano

There are plenty of more important things in the world than American Idol. Sure, but by the same token, it's nice to escape for a few hours a week with a simple little bit of entertainment.

American Idol is a moderately popular singing competition on Fox where viewers vote for their favorites.

Tonight, Pia Toscano was voted off the show. This was a mistake. I say that it was a mistake in that I think that she should not have been voted off.

I had picked her to be the winner!

There is a reason that she was voted off. I think it was for shock value. We tend to talk about things that shock us. Right? The best thing for the popularity of a TV show is to have the public "talk about it."

I've been watching this show for a few years, now, and it has been apparent, to me, that it is among the most heavily produced shows on TV.  I don't believe that voting has anything to do with the show's outcome.
Idol - you screwed up.  I won't be watching, anymore.  (That's my vote!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I absolutely agree. And if Pia is "miraculously" reinstated next week through some rule change, we can be certain the whole thing was a publicity stunt to gain ratings, which have been lagging in recent years. Either that or there was a major glitch in the voting system. The show is supposed to be a singing competition, and anyone with even a remote familiarity with singing could easily see she has the best voice on the show.


    P.S. Jim says you want dancing bears, go to the circus :-)


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