Bill Gallo Passes

This guy was the absolute best!

Bill Gallo passed away, yesterday, at age 88. He worked at the New York Daily News for the past 70 years. Well, except for his time in the Marines where he saw combat in the South Pacific during WWII. Bill was at Iwo Jima. But, New Yorkers remember him better for his ability to capture the essence of a sports story in a single panel cartoon. He gave us more than 15,000 of those cartoons during his career. Some of them are in Cooperstown.

One of his more notable cartoons came with the news of Thurman Munson's death. Munson was the star Yankee catcher and died at the height of his career in an airplane crash.

Reading the Gallo cartoon was the main reason for me to fork over 4 cents to buy the weekday edition of the Daily News.

We will miss you, Bill...and Bertha and Yuchie...

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