Teacher Flushed For Making Kids Clean Toilets

First, some background. The Kennelly School in Hartford, Connecticut is an inner-city elementary school.  The student body is predominately Hispanic with a 5% White population.  It has an excellent academic reputation. The kids wear uniforms.

Catherine Saur is the Art teacher at Kennelly. For the past two years, Saur required her students to clean the bathroom of a portable classroom, if of course, they used the facilities.

Like I say, this had been going on for two years when, last week, a parent blew the whistle. Saur is now on "Administrative Leave."

The school's principal, Peter Dart, says that he was unaware of the practice. (I wonder if he ever leaves his office?)

Let's look at this logically. The teacher is teaching the kids to clean up after themselves? The kids are learning discipline?

Horrid! Fire the bitch and throw her in jail!

I should point out that I learned to clean toilets, by hand, in the Army. You can bet your a$$ that I can clean a toilet, shower stall, sink, etc. with the best of them!   (If more husbands did this, we'd have fewer divorces.)

Cleaning toilets didn't scar me for life. It was probably one of the most worthwhile thing that I did in the Army.

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