Bristol & Levi Write Books!

Authors: Bristol and Levi

Iam not sure that either has ever read an entire book in their lives, but they have become authors. They each have a book coming out. Bristol's is her "Memoirs" and Levi's is expected to be released in the fall with the working title of "Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs." In her book, Bristol tells how she got drunk on wine coolers and lost her virginity at age 15. (Fascinating!) She also says that she got pregnant while she was taking birth control pills and while Levi was wearing a condom. (Spellbinding!)

I strongly suggest that you

do not buy either book!

If you do, you will be contributing to the wealth of two people who have never really accomplished anything!


do not waste your money.

If you do, you will be contributing to the wealth of these two idiots.

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