Tipsy Mailman Hoards Mail

In England, just north of Manchester, there's a mailman who "failed to deliver" for more than three years. Apparently, Steve Tasker, a veteran mail carrier, went through a phase where he would pick up mail at the post office and then go drinking! Steve says that he always intended to deliver the mail when he sobered up...that's why he stashed more than 31,000 pieces of mail at his house.

Some people complained that they were not receiving their mail. The 43 yeas old Tasker was put under surveillance. One day, they saw him start work around noon and knock off at 2 p.m. with more than 300 pieces of mail undelivered.

Tasker was sentenced to 32 weeks in jail, suspended for a year. He was also ordered to get alcohol treatment and enter a program that teaches people life skills like problem solving.

My question is, what would he need to do to actually get know, like  we would, in the real world, if we got caught doing what he did?

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