Bungee Snaps, Jumper Survives

Don't you love a happy ending?

It was New Year's Eve, 22 year old Erin Langworthy of Australia decided to "take the plunge" - bungee plunge - off Africa's Victoria Falls Bridge, 364 feet above the crocodile infested Zambezi River.

The cord snapped. Somehow, Erin survived. We have video:

The people who operate the bungee jump say that they have been in business for ten years with more than 50,000 jumps a year. They said that the odds of this happening are about 1 in 500,000.

Sounds about right.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The odds of surviving or the odds of the rope snapping? "Yup. This is the first one. The rest just plunged about 24, maybe 25 feet into the mud of the river bottom. Well they were already buried so we would just tie a new know and go one with our day..."


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