Golden Globes

Photo By Steve Granitz/WireImage
Tonight is the annual Golden Globes awards ceremony. It's a three hour show on NBC. I'm not watching it, mainly because, in an effort to be the perfect husband, after watching two football games, I gave the TV remote to the wife.

 We are watching "Peoples' Court" - DVR-ed from earlier in the week. The cool part about watching a DVR is that you can zap past the commercials! I mention this for the benefit of my egocentric friends who own their own businesses and they like to see their mugs on TV - in their commercials. (Analog spots on HD TV!)

 I digress.

 The picture is of Sofia Vergara who is a very wealthy actress/model and is wearing a very, very nice "borrowed" gown to the Golden Globes. If you look closely enough, you will see $5 million dollars worth of jewelry borrowed from Harry Winston! I must admit that when I look at a picture of Sofia Vergara, I don't normally look at the bracelets on her wrists.

Ironic enough? Nope, there's more! Half the people watching this extravagance are living off government checks!

Yeah, we can really relate...

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