Bloomberg To Ban Big Sodas

Future crime in NYC.
This is almost too irrational to conceive. The mayor of New York City thinks that too many of his citizens are too fat and unhealthy. This may be true.

I, as mayor, would be more concerned about my people being overtaxed or being in danger of the high crime rate, but what do I know?

He wants to ban the sale of sugary soft drink servings of more than 16 ounces. Let's see,  if I feel that I need 64 ounces of Pepsi Cola, and I can only buy the crap in 16 ounce portions, how may 16 ounce cups would I need to buy to get my 64 ounce fix? The answer is 4!
Bonus question: Which would cost more, one 64 ounce serving or four 16 ounce servings? Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!

The issue is being masked as a partial solution of the NYC obesity problem. The by-product is more money for big business and more tax money for the city. The losers are the poor little fat people.

It will take the better part of a generation to change consumption habits. I suppose TV ads and giant posters of a half naked Jennifer Lopez sipping a six ounce serving of Mountain Dew may speed up the process.
Let me know when it's time to address the obese amount of government spending.

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