Hawkins Offends Me

The principal of New York City's PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, on Coney Island has banned the Lee Greenwood song "God Bless The USA" from a kindergarten graduation ceremony.

The exercise is scheduled for June 20 and principal Greta Hawkins says that the song lyrics may offend certain cultures. School staffers & parents were stunned.

Department of Education spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti gave an explanation that staffers said they never heard — that Hawkins found the lyrics “too grown up” for 5-year-olds.

Scaperotti noted PS 90 kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “America the Beautiful” each morning. Insiders say Hawkins tried to end that tradition a couple years ago but staff objected.

The principal, a Jehovah’s Witness, does not recite the pledge because her religion forbids followers to salute any nation’s flag. The Department of Education reprimanded her in 2010 after teachers complained she called the school “racist” and declared:

“I’m black. Your previous principal was white and Jewish. More of us are coming.”

What would happen if a white principal, of either gender, were to say the same, reversing white for black and black for white?

Here is a video of Lee Greenwood's song.  Please tell me if YOU have a problem with it...

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