General's Reflection on the Election

Is there anybody surprised by the re-election of President Obama? There shouldn't be. Think about it - the deck was stacked against Mitt Romney - right from the beginning.  Who would want to jeopardize a guaranteed monthly government check?  Or a nice soft Union job?  There was always the chance that Romney would cut some social programs...people would have to go to work!

 Voting for Obama was like voting for Santa Claus. How can anybody vote against a guy who is so generous?

Well, I guess the people paying the bills might be concerned. Or maybe the fact that we are borrowing big money, every day to carry on everyday business.

Finally, there's the Electoral College. I am aware of its original purpose, but it is outdated. Last night's election hinged on the unpredictable "battleground" states. What is to keep a sitting President from being extra nice to or from giving extra MONEY and attention to these 10 "battleground" states?

Like I say, the Electoral College" is outdated. It allows a president to be elected by big city moochers and by big city weirdos. You know, kinda like yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I'm making this comment as someone who is not American, so take it as you will. Romney didn't win because even I can see that he changed his views on key things from those he holds as Governor, at the behest of his party.

    Also, he claimed to want to 'take back America' Yep, take it back to the 19th century.

    I wouldn't vote for either party. I haven't voted for more than a decade, and my country has compulsory "getting your name ticked off the roll". It's not compulsory voting, because they can't know if you vote. That would be illegal.


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