Girl barred from prom: Too much cleavage

Britanny Minder
This one is a head scratcher. Britanny Minder was turned away from her senior prom. The reason? Her dress showed too much cleavage. Personally, I've never heard of "too much" cleavage, but it seems to be a problem at Central Kitsap High School in Silverdale, Washington.

The girl is understandably suffering pain and humiliation. According to the school's dress code, strapless gowns are OK, but cleavage, midriff and lower back must be covered.

Minder's parents have no problem with the rules, but they say their daughter was singled out for having a large chest. "All women are not created equal, and you can not compare a golf ball to a grapefruit. It ain't gonna happen," Britanny's mom said. Her dad, Gary Minder wonders what kind of dress the school would have found acceptable.

A school district spokesman said if a student's appearance does not meet the dress code, staff members will help them come up with a solution that allows them to attend the event. In Minder's case, she wasn't allowed in the prom until she covered her cleavage with a shawl. She only stayed for about an hour. "I felt self-conscious and they took the magic out of the night," she said. "It was tough being there after all that happened. I didn't feel comfortable. I already had a blow to my self-esteem. I didn't really want to be there anymore."

Minder said her gown was designed for a woman with a larger bust, but now it's a painful reminder of a horrible night and she's not sure what to do with it. "An important night of my life was ruined, and there's no way I can gain that experience back," she said. Minder said she's worn dresses with a similar neckline to other dances without any problems. Her parents say they want a public apology.

If I were them, I'd hire team of female attorneys and sue their pants off!

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