National Anthem

I love watching the NFL on TV.    I'll watch any team at any time.

I noticed recently that something's missing.  During the networks' coverage, they have not been airing the National Anthem.  The players' protests during the playing of the anthem has been well documented. 

Protesting in the USA is nothing new.  There are many ways to protest.   I have a problem with anybody protesting (for any reason) during the playing of our National Anthem.

Most Americans agree whith what I've written so far.   The broadcast networks and the NFL do not want their customers to be unhappy with this ongoing situation.  The short term remedy is to not broadcast the National Anthem.  No reference is made to it.  It's simply not covered!

As a public service, we at the blog have supplied a link to the playing of the entire National Anthem.

Also, if you hate living in the United States, your protests are probably not going to cause you to love living here.  You are free to leave.  Yes, that's one of the freeedoms given to you at birth, here in the USA.  You are free to leave at any time.  There are a few countries in the world where you can't leave.  Here, you can and I encourage you to do so.  Trust me, by staying here you're not doing anybody any favors.

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