Writers' Strike

The Writers Guild has decided to go on strike! They say that they're not being compensated for the profit being made in the new, alternative distribution of their product. I usually don't have much sympathy for people who go out on strike. In its purest form a strike is saying that you aren't happy with conditions to which you and your employer have already agreed.

What makes this different is that America's entertainment is going to be affected! From the Soaps to Prime Time! The good and the bad. Good news is that we won't be subjected to shows like the progressively stupid "Big Bang Theory." The bad news is: More (unscripted) reality shows. Maybe we can get a camera to follow Britney Spears - like we did with Anna Nicole? Naw, Brit hasn't spiraled far enough - yet. More shows like Deal or No Deal wouldn't be bad! Movies wouldn't be bad, either, assumig that our attention span can survive beyond the normal 30 minute sitcom time span.

The bottom line is that whenever the creative process is blocked, it's a bad situation. This strike will not last long. It will soon end for the same reason it started.....MONEY!
In the meantime we can thank God for books, VCR rentals and radio!

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