Goodbye, Pontiac

Pontiac is dead! Pontiac was 83 years old. Personally, if you must kill off a division of General Motors, why not Saturn? They have no unique products. They have been given incentives on their cars while other GM divisions have had to wait more than a year to offer the same incentives to the public. You would expect that this has helped Saturn....not so. You can chalk this up to another bad GM decision. More bad decisions will be announced on Monday.

Mrs. General Tom & I were enjoying dinner at a locally owned, non franchise, restaurant on Saturday night. Saw an old friend. He wanted to know if the US government was going to take over GM. Yeah! We'd call it "Government Motors." "From the prople who brought you Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, Social Security & the largest national debt in world history." Yeah, this is a good idea! Forget about free enterprise, let the government "take over" a private corporation! Thomas Jefferson would be so proud!

I'd rather see the whole corporation disolve.

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