Savage: Banned in Britain

Conservative talk show host Michael (Weiner) Savage has been banned in the UK. Actually he's been banned since last October. British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith made the official announcement yesterday. The reason given was for his extreme opinions. Savage plans to sue for defamation.

Let's think about this for a minute. I see this going on quite a bit between liberals and conservatives. It seems as if disagreeing groups have little or no tolerance for each other. Is there a difference between being an opponent and being an enemy? If you disagree with me, am I therefore "mean spirited?" I listen to Michael Savage occasionally. To the best of my knowledge, there is no warrant out for his arrest. I don't think he's dangerous, on or off the radio. I don't think that his opinions are extreme. If I don't agree with something that he says, then, that's what it is - an opposing viewpoint - that's all. There's an aroma of Orwell's "Thought Police" from 1984, here. Do you think that there is a danger when we ban that with which we do not agree? For example, I have no use for rap music. Much of the content is offensive to me and I find the sound to be repulsive. Would I like to see it banned? Hell no! I'd like to see it go out of style as quickly as possible! I realize that ignorant people have a right to listen to whatever trash they choose. That's a large part of what makes this country great!

So if you don't like Michael Savage, don't listen to him. If you do like listening to him...go for it! That's how we Yanks do it! If you don't want the guy in your country, the adult and civilized thing to do would be to justify your decision in equating him with known murderers.

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