Seagal Gets Sued

Let's start by saying in the USA anybody can sue anybody for anything. Of course, it's easier if you have an attorney and if you are suing somebody who has money! If you win a suit against someone who is broke, you're wasting your time!

So, here's the story. Former movie star Steven Seagal hires a 23 year old former model, Kayden Nguyen, to be his executive assistant. (Isn't 23 a little young to be a former model?) Young Kayden says that Stevie was hitting on her. Apparently models are not accustomed to such behavior. I'm not condoning this alleged activity, but we are all grownups, here, right?

In the suit, Kayden says that she was actually hired to replace one of Stevie's two Russian sex slaves, er, assistants.

Stevie's people say balderdash, that Kayden was fired for doing drugs.

Stevie is being sued for sexual harassment, illegal trafficking of females for sex, failure to prevent sexual harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination and false representation about employment.

Let's remember that this is Hollywood. Stevie has a Cable TV show. This may become some kind of promotional vehicle for his little show. We will keep an eye on its ratings.

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