Larry King Does A Good Thing

Idon't like Larry King. I think he's a phony, I don't like the way he interviews people and I don't think that there's a place on television for a convicted felon!

But...Larry King is doing something that is good and decent. I'm not sure if it was his idea or if he is doing this voluntarily, but he is hosting a telethon to help our neighbors along the Gulf Coast. For this I salute Mr. King! The telethon is expected to raise funds for United Way, The National Wildlife Federation and The Nature Conservancy, all of which are non-profit organizations helping people and wildlife hurt by the oil spill along the U.S. Gulf Coast region.

Guests on the TV show will talk with King and sit at telephone banks taking viewer calls and donations.

The "second screen" aspect of King's telethon involves the use of computers, where people can participate via social networks such as Facebook or Twitter by signing into a special "Social Suite" hosted by "American Idol" star Ryan Seacrest.

I hope it raises a lot of money...Monday, June 21, CNN.

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