A Disturbing Florence Henderson Story

I have never written a book. When you write a book, you go to book signings at book stores and you publicize the publication as much as you can.

Florence Henderson wrote a book which you will be able to avoid as early as this Fall. Henderson is famous for playing Mrs. Brady on the Brady Bunch. She's 77 years old, now, and she is promoting her book. She makes a point to let us know that (back in the day) she pulled a one night stand with New York City Mayor, John Lindsay. Both were married at the time. She says she woke up with "crabs."

True story? John Lindsay has been dead for 11 years, we can't ask him.

What's disturbing about this story is not necessarily the "indiscretion." Not the unhealthy result of the union. The disturbing part is the low class attempt on the part of Henderson to desperately shock us into buying her crappy book. Do people who crave this kind of dirt really buy and read books? Nope, they buy supermarket tabloids and read blogs...like this one!

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