Duck Dynasty is #1*!

Duck Dynasty
This past Wednesday was the season finale episode of Duck Dynasty. It did very well in the ratings. How well? How about an estimated 9.6 million viewers? That's a 4.3 rating among adults aged 18-49.

*Compare Wednesday's 4.3 figure to Survivor's 2.9 or American Idol's 3.3!

Duck Dynasty's average estimated viewership, this season, is 8.4 million people. That makes it the number 1 "reality series" on cable.... often beating the top broadcast shows.


Stimulus Explained

Stimulus Explained
This is how the government works. Please read this carefully and you will understand!

Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House.

One is from Chicago, another is from Tennessee, and the third is from Montana. All three go with a White House official to examine the fence.

The Montana contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. "Well," he says, "I figure the job will run about $900. That’s $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me."

The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700. That’s $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me." 

The Chicago contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, "$2,700."

The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys. How did you come up with such a high figure?" The Chicago contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence." "Done!" replies the government official.

And that, my friends, is how the Government Stimulus plans work.


Who (& where) Are You?

...and where are you?
I often wonder WHO visits this page?
Over the years, I've used various "hit counters" to tell me.

Blogger tells me that more than half of you are from outside the USA. That's very cool.

In the comment section, tell me where you're from....with of course, any comment you may like to make.

Here are the stats as of today.......

United States           400,789
United Kingdom        56,653
Germany                   50,012
Canada                     38,108
France                      27,793
Italy                          19,688
Spain                        18,615
Mexico                     18,560
Australia                  11,454
Netherlands               4,826


Random Photo - Ashlyn C.

Ashlyn C.
Here's a random photo for you. This is to remind you of all the things that are "right" in the world.

Her name is Ashlyn C.
Ashlyn is a student who does modeling work in the evening and on weekends.

This is all I know about her. 

Click the image to get the full effect.
Have a nice weekend!


P.S. on Boston Marathon Bombing


Kim Jong Un's Little Problem

Random Foto - Jaime Laycock

Jaime Laycock
Are you ready for another Random Foto?

Meet Jaime Laycock! Jamie is a model from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Jaime has many DIY model pictures on the Internet and has done some legitimate modeling. You can visit her Facebook page by clicking here.

Click the picture to get the full effect and have a good remainder of the week!

Pat Summerall Dies at 82

Straight on!  Summerall kicks one through, November 12, 1961 at Yankee Stadium
Pat Summerall (l.) with John Madden
He was very easy to listen to. You know, it seemed like he knew every player on the field and the ones sitting on the bench, too. Pat Summerall was one of the best in the broadcast booth. He's famous for a long, successful broadcast career - mostly for NFL games, but also golf, tennis, basketball and basically whatever sporting event where the network needed a smooth play-by-play guy.

Summerall did his homework. When he opened his mouth he knew what he was talking about. Also, he played the game - so he really knew what he was talking about!

Most of us remember him as John Madden's straight man on FOX and, earlier, CBS. Summerall was an end who was also used as a placekicker. During his NFL career for the Chicago Cardinals, Detroit Lions and New York Giants, he kicked 100 field goals out of 212 attempts. He kicked 257 points after touchdown.
His real name was George. In the newspaper box score, it would read PAT Summerall. (Point after touchdown) The name stuck.
Below, we have his rookie card, as he was drafted in the fourth round by the Chicago Cardinals in 1952. He played for them for part of a season as he broke his arm and was dealt to the Lions. He finished his career with the Giants' I saw him play at Yankee Stadium in December of 1961.
Rookie card 1952
Summerall with the Giants


One Million Page Views!

A million page views and counting...
Well it finally happened! According to Blogspot, this blog has had 1,002,261 page views!

We hit the million mark on Wednesday. This post is my 2,601st since 2004. Each one is archived and available to be viewed.

Thank you for visiting! Please bookmark this page and return often!

Note:  The Blogspot counter has been counting since May, 2008.  The true number of page views since 2004 is unknown.

Random Photo - Corrie Loftin

Corrie Loftin
Our Random Foto today features the very fit and trim Corrie Loftin

Corrie is a model and actress and has been in a couple of movies and has done some acting on TV.

I'm impressed that she played for the Dallas Desire of the Lingerie Football League.

Click the image to get the full effect and have a nice weekend!

Remembering Annette Funicello

Annette on the Mickey Mouse Club.
Frankie & the beach.
She was so popular that she didn't need a last name. If you mentioned Annette, everybody knew who you were talking about. She was the "girl-next-door" type and the most popular of all the original Mouseketeers, getting as many as 6,000 letters a week! In 1955, Annette was 12 years old. She took singing and dancing lessons to get over her shyness. She was one of the few Mouseketeers chosen personally by Walt Disney, himself. She was also one of the last to be recruited.

After the Mickey Mouse Club, she acted in a few Disney movies. We remember her for her work opposite Frankie Avalon in the Beach Movies of the '60s.

As she approached 40, she opened herself up to a new generation as a spokesperson for Skippy Peanut Butter. She made dozens of commercials for Skippy - often with her own sons. I included an early one from 1981. The woman did more for Skippy (and peanut butter, in general) than anyone!

Shortly after the "Skippy Eva" she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She died today from complications of the disease. Thanks Annette. You were special, by just being "you."


TV On-Line?

TV on the Internet
I am watching TV on a Sunday night and I see that NBC is running a rerun of The Voice from last week. WHY? I've got a 50" HDTV and I'm paying Dish Network $100 a month so I can see the same ol' crap repeated in less than a week's time?

If it were up to me, I'd give Dish the boot, hook my 50" HDTV to my laptop and watch TV on-line. Problem is ... not everything is available on-line. It could be. It should be ... but it's not.

Local TV stations, cable and satellite systems don't want to go out of business. If we could watch all network shows and sporting events, on line, local TV stations and local cable companies and satellite distributors would go belly-up!  There are two ways that they can stay in business...even with everything being streamed...

1. Stream live and be truly LOCAL. Local people enjoy watching local TV - especially when it is fresh and updated. It's not cheap for the requires extra work. It's easier to run 30 minutes of The Andy Griffith Show than it is to produce a local program. (Can't I watch Andy Griffith on the Internet?)

2. The second way for local TV and cable systems to remain in business is to make sure that the FCC and politicians don't make it legal for TV stations and Networks to stream all of their stuff on-line. (This is what we have now.)

I say why not stream EVERYTHING? Remember when competition was legal? Remember when the best of the best was number one? The way things are now, you can air the same stuff in a small town as they air anywhere else. People in the small town are forced to watch the small town TV station...which has maybe three hours a day of local programming.  Much of those three hours contains the same news story repeated four, five, six or more times!  That's almost useless.  - but it could be put on-line!

Then, there's PAY TV.  You know, that's where you pay a subscription fee to watch TV and commercials which are supposed to pay for the this right?


Cell Phone Turns 40!

Zach Morris of "Saved By The Bell"
The cell phone is celebrating a birthday, today. It is 40 years old!

It was April 3, 1973 that a Motorola engineer named Martin Cooper made the first successful mobile phone call. He called Bell Labs - the competition.

Ten years later, Motorola's DynaTAC became the first commercially available cellphone at 10 inches tall, nearly two pounds, and carrying a cool $3,995 price tag.

The design didn't change much through the 1980s. I used to use one of these early phones, at work.  They were crap.


Cool Cardinal Promotion

Stan Musial Harmonica
This is a real cool promotion! The Saint Louis Cardinals are giving away "Stan Musial" harmonicas with each paid admission on Friday, April 12.

They promote it as a one-of-a-kind. Yup, just like Stan The Man.

I anticipate the crowd playing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" during the 7th inning stretch. Very cool!

If this happens, I'll have the video.  stay tuned.......

Fergie Footwear