Happy Birthday, Donald Sterling

V. Stiviano with Donald Sterling
This blog is often a monument to the ironic and otherwise stupid things that I see going on in the world.

This past Saturday, Donald Sterling turned 80 years old. Donald is the owner of the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers. He's been married for more than 50 years and he has (had) a girlfriend on the side. He and his girlfriend are both not too bright. 

Well, he was bright enough to be able to develop a successful law practice, specializing in injury cases. He's also bright enough to acquire a major sports franchise and see it rise in value from $12.5 million to its current value of $563.5 million. His net worth is estimated at $1.9 billion. These money amounts are so huge that his wife remains married to him as he publicly dates a 20-something chick.

V. will be looking for a boyfriend.
Here the story really begins. Donald's girlfriend releases an audio recording to the press with racist remarks allegedly made by Sterling. Everybody hears about it - from the President of the United States on down. Donald is in a pickle. His girlfriend who calls herself V. Stiviano or Vanessa Maria Perez or Monica Gallegos or Maria Valdez, had a good thing going. Sterling set her up in a nice $1.8 million apartment, gave her $240,000 to live on and threw in a Ferrari, a Range Rover and two Bentleys. (She must be very good) She thanks him by going public with a damaging audio recording. The recording paints him as being racist. It's not a pretty picture.

Being racist is not illegal in itself. It becomes illegal when you do certain things based on race. This isn't a legal tutorial, but I think you get the idea. I should also point out that Donald Sterling was born Donald Tokowitz. He's Jewish. His girlfriend is of Mexican and Black descent. He made millions of dollars from Blacks and people of all races. He really shouldn't be racist.

Well here's what's going to happen. He's going to be forced to sell his team. His wife will leave him and take half of his money and he's going to have to find another girlfriend.

This proves my point that no amount of money in the world can purchase common sense.
The same is true of class.

Monday Foto - Lenka Hrušková

Monday Foto - Lenka Hrušková
Here's a special treat for you....on the Monday Foto feature, I have found a couple of pictures of Lenka Hrušková a 23 year old Czech model.

It's funny, as I was searching for more information on our girl, Lenka, I found that there is also a successful Czech businesswoman who shares the same name. While the name may be the same, the assets differ.

Lenka began her modeling career in 2008 and has used some fake names, like "Busty Lena", "Nanci", "Michelle Obama" or "Sammy4You."

While the names may have been phoney, what you see in the pictures is 100% real.

Have a nice week.

General Tom's Miracle Tree

Miracle Tree:  Damn thing won't die!
The flowering tree that you see is located in my back yard. (Yes, I am a property owner). It has been struck by lightening three times. That's right, THREE times. After the third time, the tree was so damaged that we cut it down to a stump. Over the years it has slowly grown to this point. Of the six different trees along my rear property line, this was the largest and most beautiful.  It will be, again.  It needs some pruning.

By the way, the horses that you see are not mine. They belong to the neighbors.

Friday Foto - Libby Powell

Libby Powell
Today, we go to the land down under and sneak a peek at Libby Powell. Libby has been described as a Fitness Expert and a Bartender. She's from Australia where she mixes drinks at Club Liv. Or it maybe Club LIV....which would translate to Club 54.

There seems to be a lot of selfies of Ms. Powell, on-line. You would think that she would have a professional portfolio. If she does, none of it has leaked to the Internet.

So, what we have here is a picture of Libby lying down, enjoying a cold drink. Click the picture to getter a larger version and have a great weekend!

Barbershop Marketing

This was really a pretty good idea. The problem is that the sign that you see on the left was posted at a London barbershop, not far from the North Korean Embassy. Well, the story is that the barbershop was visited by some people from the North Korean Embassy demanding that the sign be removed. The barbershop people refused. They called the cops. The Embassy people also called the cops. Before long, the barbershop people realized that it might be a good idea to take the sign down.

Censorship wins? Yes, except that the picture and story is all over the Internet.

I added two more disrespectful pictures. Disrespectful to those who are not fans of the hairstyle. I am thinking that these pictures would be popular in North Korea?