The Blessings Of Obscurity!

This blog has more than 300 posts. It also has a hit counter. On a good day I see one or two unique visits. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your dropping by! But, good God - 300+ posts and obviously no recognition from the blog search engines? Even Google Blog Search doesn't list this blog - and they're the parent company of blogspot! I'm convinced that the only way to attact a large following is to post pictures of scantily clad women! But, there's already enough of that on the internet!
There is a blessing in all of this. I can say whatever-the-hell-I-want and only my close friends will ever see it. These are the same people who know me and accept the way I feel about things.
I did receive a couple of responses from strangers. One, when I said that E-85 fuel was (at this point) a waste of money. Another was on our participation in Iraq. Other than that, zilch.
So with this in mind, please stay tuned. I plan on pushing the envelope and going a little farther in 2008.
Since you are in my circle of friends, I'll probably be posting something about you!

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