Study: Commercials Enhance TV Viewing

For those of us who hate (or don't watch) TV commercials, here's something that may surprise you!
New York University's School Of Business conducted a study that concluded that we actually enjoy having interruptions in our TV viewing by commercial messages. The idea is that our enjoyment of a particular TV program is enhanced or refreshed following a commercial break. Personally, I think this is a weak argument and that the study was probably funded by a big-time advertising agency.
We must remember that TV ads are necessary! The money has to come from somewhere. Sometimes the money comes from YOU & the advertiser. (Thank God you can afford to pay to watch cable or satellite TV) I'm still not sure if sitting through two minutes (or more) of "Smiling Bob" "Cash For Gold" "Progressive Insurance" "Station Promos" ...and the rest can enhance my viewing experience.
In the 1950's you would never see a commercial break lasting more than 2 minutes. 1 1/2 minutes was the norm. Now we have breaks lasting up to 8 minutes...usually during movies on independent stations!
Think of all the things you can do in 8 minutes...or less!

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