Super Bowl MVP's Cadillac

Did you notice something different at this year's Super Bowl? I mean aside from the fact that the game was actually exciting?
Every year, Cadillac gives a new car to the game's MVP. This year, it was Santonio Holmes. In return, Cadillac displays one of it's products at the pre and post game shows and the MVP gets the keys on national TV. Not this year! Because of the billions of dollars that GM is receiving from the government (really, us) the big shots at GM thought that it would be best to use as little fanfare as possible. So essentially, they gave away an $85,200 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid Platinum for zero merchandising recognition! Brilliant!
There is nothing wrong with effective advertising and marketing. If done correctly, it is usually good for business! This means that for no additional money, people could have seen this big beautiful Escalade...and maybe consider buying one!
Duh, Detriot...keep up the good work! Maybe you'd like to advertise on this blog. I promise I won't tell anybody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
