Cronkite Passes

I'm a little late with this one. It's sad to see the icon which was Walter Cronkite pass on. Little by little the gems of his generation are leaving us. Dozens have stepped forward to offer tribute to Mr. Cronkite. It's my turn, now. The thing that I liked about him was that he ALWAYS gave me the who, what, when, where, why and how of a story. No spin...just the facts and the effect of an occurance which was noteworthy enough to make it onto the news. He once suggested that network (and local) newscasts might improve their ratings by reporting more "real news!" The man was not very complicated. He knew what he was talking about...when the "red light" was on. He also knew what he was doing...telling America "what happened today." They say he was a nice guy. Unlike most snobs, he had earned the right to be a snob - something that he never was. The CBS anchor chair has never been truely filled since Cronkite left it in 1981. It doesn't look like it will be anytime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on all counts, General. Cronkite's successor, the Texan Dan Rather is/was a pompous jerk.

From Ooga-Chucka