Boy's Fart Raises A Stink On School Bus

Now, I know that polite society frowns on us when we make impolite bodily sounds. For example, during my days in radio, nobody had to tell me that I should not belch on the air. Ah, but not all bodily sounds are as easy to control! Take for instance, the case of 11 year old Christian Summers of Cleveland Ohio. Christian was riding on his school bus when he farted. This happens to all of us, sometimes it can be embarrassing. For Christian, it was funny. Funny until the bus driver gave him a discipline warning and an hour of detention.

Christian's parents took exception and went to the local TV news station ... which, in turn, ran a two-minute report on the fart and its fallout. (sorry)

I went to some strict schools, but I can never remember anything like this. I think the outcome of this story stinks....even more than the original offense!

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