U.S. Postal Service Does It Again

United States Postal Service

Our U.S. Postal Service has done it again! They lost money, again during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. How much? $8.5 billion. This compares with $3.8 billion for the previous year. I think we can see what the postal service is good at doing! LOSING MONEY!

This is embarrassing to all hard working Americans....not to mention that we taxpayers are the ones who will pick up the tab for their losses.

The Postal Service can make all of the excuses that it wants, but it can't explain how UPS and Fed Ex make profits, year after year.

Here's the solution, SELL THE POST OFFICE! Sell part of it to Fed Ex and part of it to UPS. The sale would be conditioned that the new owners provide service similar (or better) than the USPS. Postal workers could apply for jobs with the new owners, where they will learn about productivity.

The Postal Service can't hack it. It deserves to be sold or to go out of business...it's the American way!

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