Curtain Falls on Stage Deli

The Stage in its glory!
For 75 years it was the place to be and the place to be seen.

The Stage Delicatessen, in Manhattan's theater district, was a favorite of the theater crowd since 1937. The place was famous for their overstuffed sandwiches named after celebrities.  No more, the place has closed down.

 I have been to several Broadway shows, but I never made it to the Stage.

Corned Beef on Rye at the Stage
An increase in rent is said to be the reason for the closure.
The place was special, catering to tourists and the theater folk. Their prices weren't cheap, but this was not your "normal" restaurant.   I have a picture of a portion of the Stage's menu.  Click the image to enlarge.

You know, they say that the world is ending in three weeks - it isn't.
Little by little, it's been ending for years.

Friday Foto - Miss Dana Marie

Miss Dana Marie
I saw this picture and it caught my eye!

 This week's Friday Foto features a good New York girl named Dana Marie. Professionally, she is known as Miss Dana Marie.

She's been modeling for about 5 years.

I think 2013 will be a good year for Miss Dana.

Click the image to get the full effect and have a great weekend!

De Primo Act

This is a good story about two regular people. It happened in New York's Time Square on the evening of November 14. It was cold and the homeless man was barefoot. Officer Larry DePrimo was walking his beat when he saw the problem. He walks into a shoe store and (with his own money) buys a pair of size 12 all-weather boots and some thermal socks. This picture was taken by a tourist, with her cellphone. DePrimo did not know that his picture was being taken.  It was posted on the NYC Facebook page and quickly went viral. Officer DePrimo did something special.  An common guy doing an uncommon thing!

So, an isolated, private moment is now seen around the world.  I say, "Good!"  We can all see what we should be doing, in this world - at Christmastime and always.

And we learned it from a common New York City cop!

NFL Picks - Week 13, 2012

Well, I didn't win in the Powerball drawing, but I didn't do too badly, last week, with my NFL picks.  Last week, I picked 10 winners out of 14.  This puts me at 111, 60 and 1 on the season.

Here are my picks for week 13.....

new orleans at ATLANTA

jacksonville at  BUFFALO
seattle at CHICAGO
indianapolis at DETROIT
minnesota at GREEN BAY
CAROLINA at kansas city
NEW ENGLAND at miami
ARIZONA at jets
SAN FRANCISCO at st. louis
HOUSTON at tennessee

tampa bay at DENVER
pittsburgh at BALTIMORE
cleveland at OAKLAND
CINCINNATI at san diego

philadelphia at DALLAS

GIANTS at washington

Got My Powerball

Tonight's the night for the $500 Million Powerball drawing.


No, I didn't get a quick pick, I selected my numbers carefully. I didn't do this because I'm cheap...which I am...I did this after visiting a few web sites which tell you how to maximize your chances of winning.

If I win? Sure, I'll buy a couple of new cars and I'll never have to touch a lawnmower again!  I'll keep my job, hire a few assistants and shorten my hours to five hours a day with a three hour lunch break with three and four day know...stuff like that.

Wednesday Foto - Jamie Sanna

Wednesday Foto - Jamie Sanna
Time for the Wednesday Foto. We mark the middle of the week with Jamie Sanna.
 Jamie is a 20 year old model from The Netherlands.
 She says that she likes to shop and hang out with her friends. 

Click the image to get the full picture and have a great remainder of the week!

Toshiba -

R.I.P. Speedo

His friends called him "Speedo" but his real name was "Mr. Earl." Earl Carroll. He died on Sunday, in a nursing home, following a stroke and complications with diabetes. He was 75.

 Speedo was the front man for The Cadillacs, a Doo Wop/Soul group from the '50s. Their biggest hit was "Speedo" in 1955. They also had minor regional hits on the east coast. "Gloria" was one of those.

Speedo joined The Coasters in 1961. In 1990 he left to reform The Cadillacs. Along the way, he supported himself as a janitor at PS 87 in New York. The kids loved him. A childrens' book was written about him. The book helped to revive his career.

My hope is that this little story will introduce at least one person to the Doo Wop form of music of the '50s and to "Speedo." I love this stuff...The video is from the Clint Holmes Show - a locally produced TV show in New York City...enjoy...

NBC Sunday Night Football Theme Song

SNF: Borrowed theme song?
For the past few years, Sunday Night Football on NBC has been introduced by Faith Hill. She sings the theme song and struts suggestively in an outfit that's two or three sizes too small. You know, stuff that we guys love!

Well, the song is not an original. What we have, on Sunday Night, is a sweet little Country Music singer rockin' out with a retread of a Joan Jett song!

Some of us may remember "I Hate Myself For Lovin' You."

Don't remember it?

Thank God for YouTube. Here it is...

Monday Foto - Alexa Loren

Alexa Loren
Monday Foto - Alexa Loren
L et's get a good start to the work week with a special lady.!

Alexa Loren is a former model from Madrid. She was in the modeling business for only one year!

Alexa has or does live in Egypt. (If you see this, Alexa, let me know!)

Click either of these images to get the full picture and have a great week!

R.I.P., J.R.

Larry Hagman died this afternoon. He was surrounded by family members and former Dallas co-stars Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy.

Hagman found international fame with the role of J.R. Ewing on the TV series, Dallas. He was previously known as the bungling Major Nelson on I dream of Jeannie, acting opposite Barbara Eden.

Hagman died from complications from cancer. He was 81.

Friday Foto - Lisa Lee Marie

Friday Foto -  Lisa Lee Marie
Time again for the famous Friday Foto. Today we have an extremely pretty lady to showcase. Her name is Lisa Lee Marie. She's from Eugene, Oregon and resides in Whittier, California.

Lisa is a model and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of her very soon.

Click the image to get the full effect and have a great weekend!

NFL Picks, Week 12, 2012

Last week was amazing! If you've been following my predictions, I picked 12 games correctly out of 13! This puts my season at 101 - 56 with one tie.

 Due to Thanksgiving Day activities, my posting is a little late. However, my predictions were made earlier in the day and have been verified by a team of CPAs from a major, unnamed accounting firm.

 Enough of are this week's predictions:

HOUSTON at detroit
washington at DALLAS

minnesota at CHICAGO
oakland at CINCINNATI
pittsburgh at CLEVELAND
TENNESSEE at jacksonville
DENVER at kansas city
SEATTLE at miami
ATLANTA at tampa bay

BALTIMORE at san diego
st. louis at ARIZONA
SAN FRANCISCO at new orleans

green bay at GIANTS

CAROLINA at philadelphia

Mr. Food Dies

Art Ginsburg died today. You may have never heard of the guy, but to millions, he was known as Mr. Food. He had a daily 90 second daily cooking segment which was syndicated to as many as 168 TV stations.

It wasn't fancy stuff, but for what it was - it was very good. The Associated Press described him as "Delightfully dorky." He used simple ingredients to create a tasty dish. His approach to cooking was that, "Hey, anybody can do this." At the end of each segment he would taste his creation and say, "....ooh, it's soooo good!" Art was also an author. He wrote 52 cookbooks, selling more than 8 million copies. I met Mr. Food in 1994. As I remember, he was very friendly - just a normal guy. Normal?  Yes, but one of the last of a dying breed.  He started out as a butcher in upstate, New York. He was a guest on a local TV show in the 70s.  One thing led to another and he began his TV business which continues, after more than 30 years.

Art had been battling pancreatic cancer for more than a year. He was 81.

Danica, Husband Spin Out

Danica Patrick and her husband, Paul Hospenthal are splitting up. They had been married for 7 years - no kids. For the record, he's 47, she's 30. Patrick announced the breakup on her Facebook page, saying that she and Hospenthal will be divorcing amicably.

 For those who may not know, Danica Patrick is a famous American race car driver. Through 2011 she has participated in 177 races over 12 seasons and has won one.

An "American" Christmas

Ok, the title of this post is a little deceptive. I put American in quotes because, as we should all know, Christmas is an international holiday - celebrated by Christians, worldwide.

 With the economy being in the dumper, it may be important for you to consider purchasing gifts which are Made in America. To help, I've included a link to a website with an awesome amount of information,  

If you do not live in America, you may still want to visit the site.
Like I said, the economy is in the dumper and we could use your business!

2012 Blog Video

I am new at this, but I made a video highlighting some of the more memorable posts of 2012.

Here it is...

Monday Foto - Jeannine Hansen

Jeannine Hansen
Monday Foto - Jeannine Hansen
This is a "short" work week as Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday. Many of us will be celebrating with a four day weekend.

We get the week started with Jeannine Hansen. She's from Pennsylvania, USA and is an all natural blond with blue eyes.

Click the images to get the full effect and have a great week!

Toshiba -

History~ According to General Tom

On this day in 1913, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany banned his armed forces from dancing the tango.

Here is a clip of the Tango from ABC's "Dancing with the Stars."  See if you can find the objectionable part of the dance!

Death of the Twinkie

Today, the world mourns the death of the Twinkie. Also dying a sad death are the Ding Dong, Fruit Pies, Wonder Bread and Cupcakes among other relatives.

These friends of ours were murdered. 

 Officially, Hostess management announced that the company is going out of business, pointing its finger at striking workers who would force the company out of business. The way I see it, GREED and MISMANAGEMENT killed the Twinkie.

 Thanks, guys. I hope that you are all happy with what you have done. As a daily user of your product, I feel betrayed.

Would it be nasty or fitting or ironic if I say that I hope you guys go hungry?

Friday Foto - Unknown

I have been reflecting on a few things. You know, there's a chance that I have become too predictable. When you are predictable, you fall into a rut and the product gets stale.

 I don't know this lady's name.

Click the picture for the full effect!
(This is something Hugh Hefner would NEVER do!)

Have a nice weekend....and ladies, please don't eat too much of that Thanksgiving Turkey!

Toshiba -

NFL Picks - Week 11, 2012

It's time to temporarily forget about the political scandals and the international tensions. That's right, it time to turn our attention to NFL football. Last week, I was 8-5-1. This puts me at 87-55-1. Here we go...Week 11...

miami at BUFFALO

arizona at ATLANTA
TAMPA  BAY at carolina
cleveland at DALLAS
GREEN BAY at detroit
jacksonville at HOUSTON
CINCINNATI at kansas city
jets at ST. LOUIS
philadelphia at WASHINGTON

NEW ORLEANS at oakland
san diego at DENVER
indianapolis at NEW ENGLAND

BALTIMORE at pittsburgh

chicago at SAN FRANCISCO

Petraeus' General Mess: Unbelieveable

General Petraeus wife, Holly
I should caution you that what is being reported, in the press, on this story, is not necessarily true. It may be true, but it probably isn't.

This is what I get from all of this: On September 11, 2012, the American Embassy at Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Four Americans, including our ambassador, were killed in the attack. In the purest form of Monday morning quarterbacking, we are asking ourselves, Who knew what? and When did they know it? and, moving into the bonus round, What could have been done? and finally, Why was nothing done? There's going to be a formal hearing on the subject. The hearing will be conducted by politicians who will, no doubt, want to look like bad asses on national TV.  It won't be pretty! 

General Petraeus and Paula Broadwell
Dr. David Petraeus, CIA director for the past 14 months, was to testify. He resigned on Thursday - effective Friday. He said that he should step down because he "got caught" doing the horizontal mambo with Paula Broadwell. Patraeus and his wife, Holly, have been married for 37 years. Having been married for more than 30 years, myself, I can tell you that an extra marital affair is a stupid thing to do - it's a no win situation! He should have known this. Both Petraeus and Broadwell are graduates of West Point. She's collecting a paycheck from the Army Reserve where she is a Major. She's also married to a medical doctor and has two young sons. Oh yeah, she also co-wrote the NY Times Best Seller "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus." She worked closely with the General as she researched the piece. (Sometimes I wonder who buys these books?) I may also wonder if Broadwell was part of the good General's "education?" I know - it was a cheap shot.

Jill Kelley
How did all of this come to light? Well, this is the part of the story that I find hard to believe. There's a 37 year old woman in Tampa, Florida, named Jill Kelley. She too, is married to a medical doctor and is the mother of three children. Kelley complains to the FBI that she is getting harassing e-mail from Paula Broadwell. The FBI reads the e-mail, the content gets leaked to the press and Petraeus gets caught with his zipper down, and resigns. Forget that the hearing and all this other crap happened after the Presidential Election. You may be interested to know that Paula Broadwell celebrated her 40th birthday on Friday, 11/9, the same day that her boyfriend's resignation from the CIA was accepted by the President.

Now, I ask you, doesn't all of this seem too stupid to be true?  We have three very well educated people, involved in a very cheesy scenario. I think it's all BS and that nobody wants to be blamed or point fingers in the Benghazi case.

It's probably going to work!  Nixon's people should have thought of something like this for Watergate......and Watergate was a simple burglary, not a fatal terrorist attack!

I have this feeling that I just wrote a fictional short story.

Friday Foto - Jimena Sanchez

Jimena Sanchez
Yes, I know that today isn't Friday, but that's no excuse to keep me from posting a Friday Foto. This is Jimena Sanchez. She's one of those sideline reporters for Fox Sports in Mexico.

 She claims to be a fan of the Oakland Raiders, New York Yankees, Lakers and Babe Ruth!

Click the picture for the full effect and have a great weekend!

Justin, Selena Split!

This little bit of news may make some of you very sad.  Others will be happy or hopeful.. I am all for making as many people as hopeful as possible!

 It has been revealed that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are no longer an item.

Speculation is that Justin is interested in a Victoria's Secret model.


NFL Picks, Week 10, 2012

It's that time again. Last week, I went 10 & 3. That's nothing to be ashamed of, but then again, in today's society, nobody seems to be ashamed of anything! But I digress. On the season, I am a modest 79 and 50. So here are my picks, offered to you, free of charge, (after all, you're entitled) for week 10.....

 INDIANAPOLIS at jacksonville*
* I know that this game has already
been played, but I had the Colts, Honest!

oakland at BALTIMORE
DENVER at carolina
GIANTS at cincinnati
tennessee at MIAMI
DETROIT at minnesota
buffalo at NEW ENGLAND
ATLANTA at new orleans
san diego at TAMPA BAY

jets at SEATTLE
DALLAS at philadelphia
st. louis at SAN FRANCISCO

houston at CHICAGO

kansas city at PITTSBURGH

General's Reflection on the Election

Is there anybody surprised by the re-election of President Obama? There shouldn't be. Think about it - the deck was stacked against Mitt Romney - right from the beginning.  Who would want to jeopardize a guaranteed monthly government check?  Or a nice soft Union job?  There was always the chance that Romney would cut some social programs...people would have to go to work!

 Voting for Obama was like voting for Santa Claus. How can anybody vote against a guy who is so generous?

Well, I guess the people paying the bills might be concerned. Or maybe the fact that we are borrowing big money, every day to carry on everyday business.

Finally, there's the Electoral College. I am aware of its original purpose, but it is outdated. Last night's election hinged on the unpredictable "battleground" states. What is to keep a sitting President from being extra nice to or from giving extra MONEY and attention to these 10 "battleground" states?

Like I say, the Electoral College" is outdated. It allows a president to be elected by big city moochers and by big city weirdos. You know, kinda like yesterday.

Free Gas in NY?

Something doesn't feel right about this. It was announced today that Hurricane Sandy victims will be receiving free gas! Let's throw some facts in, here. About 36 million gallons of gasoline will be available in 10 gallon increments, distributed by mobile fuel trucks in NYC & Wrong Island.  By the time you read this, it'll all be gone. NY Gov. Cuomo announced this. Where is the gas from? If it's free, who's paying for it? (Pardon me, but I'm enough of a tightwad to ask.)  The gas is from the Department of Defense. You remember the Department of Defense - they're the people who keep our embassies safe.

The gasoline problem in the NY area, post-Sandy, has been a lack of electricity to operate the pumps. It has also been due to a lack of supply, due to power outages and flooding conditions. It's not because the public can't afford the stuff! This is the United States. If you can't afford something, you do without! Then you get a job, so you have money to buy stuff.

Why the free gas? It's an appetizer for the banquet which we call election day.  Irony?  NY is already considered an "Obama State."
How much gas do you need to change your vote?

Friday Foto - Tessa Fowler

Here we go with the Friday Foto. Her name is Tessa Fowler. She's done some work for Playboy.

 I should point out that everything that you see in the picture is natural and God-given.

 To get the full effect, click the picture. Have a great weekend!

NFL Picks, Week 9, 2012

I can't complain about last week as I managed to correctly pick 9 games out of 13. On the season I have a record of 69 and 47.

Here are this week's picks:

kansas city at SAN DIEGO

DENVER at cincinnati
BALTIMORE at cleveland
arizona at GREEN BAY
buffalo at HOUSTON
DETROIT at jacksonville
CHICAGO at tennessee
carolina at WASHINGTON

TAMPA BAY at oakland
MINNESOTA at seattle
pittsburgh at GIANTS

dallas at ATLANTA

PHILADELPHIA at new orleans